10th - science - Full Formula Book -E/M - PDF - TAMNEWS




Tuesday, March 19, 2024

10th - science - Full Formula Book -E/M - PDF

A system of knowledge about the physical, chemical, and biological universe and the things that occur in it is called science. It is an objective observation that explains the basic rules of nature. Another approach to defining science is as the information gained through practice.

In movies and television shows, sometimes scientists are portrayed as randomly combining chemicals to make crazy concoctions. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Real scientists are very organized and methodical, and serious about their work.

They ask meaningful questions that can be tested and analyzed. They use very specific tools and methods to test and study the natural world. Scientists make careful observations and record their findings so that other scientists can repeat their investigations. They share their findings with other scientists and read about studies performed by others.

Scientists learn about the natural world through investigations, which produces evidence that helps scientists answer questions. Investigations may involve experiments or observations about the natural world. Scientists use scientific practices to do science.

Scientists frequently find new evidence by conducting experiments. Well-held theories are sometimes tossed out because scientists make new discoveries.

We no longer believe some of the theories that used to be considered true. For centuries, people believed that the Earth was flat. At that time it was a reasonable thought, until scientists found evidence that changed their minds.

Scientists must look at new evidence with an open mind, and consider that other possible explanations may exist.

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