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Role name:         Competent Authority and Administrator

Payscale details are:    Rs. 1,44,200 - Rs. 2,18,200/-Per Month

Final date to apply: 17/08/2020

Graduation details are
It is proposed to fill up the vacancy of Competent Authority & Administrator in the Office of the Competent Authority & Administrator, Chennai [Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act, 1976 and Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985], under the Department of Revenue (Hqrs. Division) on the following terms and conditions:

1. Subject:- Filling up the posts of Competent Authority and Administrator (Group A Gazetted) in the Office of Competent Authority & Administrator, Chennai - Reg

2. Name of the Post: Competent Authority & Administrator (Group A Gazetted)

3. Scale of Pay (Level in the Pay Matrix): Level 14 (Rs.144200-218200)

4. Eligibility: Commissioner of Customs or Commissioner of Central Excise or Commissioner of Income Tax or any other officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

5. Tenure: 5 years

 Interview process are:
Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

Procedure to apply
1. It is requested that the vacancy may be circulated among field formations and the  applications in the prescribed Performa (enclosed) along with cadre clearance, vigilance clearance, history of postings, integrity certificate and major/minor penalty certificate for the past 10 years, agreed list status if any and attested copies of ACR dossiers for the last 5 years, may be forwarded to the undersigned by 17.08.2020.

2. Applications in the prescribed pro-forma of only those officers who are eligible and willing and whose services can be spared immediately on their selection may be forwarded to this Department on or before 17.08.2020. Advance copy of the applications shall not be entertained. The selected officers shall not be allowed to withdraw his/her application.

Apply mode: Online

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