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The role of TLMs in the classroom are to make learning real, practical and fun for children. Teachers use TLMs to illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact or idea. TLMs also help in bringing novelty and freshness in classroom teaching as it relieves learners from anxiety, fear and boredom.

In the traditional classroom teaching there is hardly any scope for the children
to interact with the teacher, teaching –learning materials and the teaching learning environment. Therefore, teaching becomes very monotonous and students have to mostly rely on rote learning. Most often classroom teaching is dominated by the lecture method of teacher. Except some essential aids
like chalk, duster, blackboard, Teaching-Learning materials are hardly used in the classroom. When used it may not be context-specific. One of the major aims of NCERT is designing, providing for, and enabling appropriate teaching learning systems that could realize the identified goals. Learning has shifted from response strengthening to knowledge acquisition to construction of knowledge. In this context, the duty of the teacher is to provide appropriate environment where the child will construct his knowledge by interacting with his physical and social environment.

In this context, there is a need to orient teachers and develop appropriate
context specific teaching learning materials useful to enhance the quality of
teaching-learning process.
Effective Teaching Learning Materials consists of the following phases:
1. Development of contextualized Teaching-Learning Material
2. Field-Testing of contextualized Teaching-Learning Material
Children with special needs need special attention, care and strength. Ample
and sufficient opportunities are required to uplift them to a higher pedestal.
Thus, it is important to educate a child with special needs in an environment
most appropriate to their learning general needs.


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