EE - CLASS - 1,2,3 - NOL - TERM - 3 - FEB - TAMNEWS




Monday, January 29, 2024

EE - CLASS - 1,2,3 - NOL - TERM - 3 - FEB

A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed guide that outlines what students need to learn, how the subject would be delivered, and the achievement of class goals measured. No matter what subject is being taught, having a lesson plan guides the learning process by providing a clear outline to follow while teaching. Having the lessons planned ensures every bit of time spent in class turns out meaningful. The teacher and students would definitely know what to do in the classroom.

Details of a lesson plan may vary slightly depending on the subject being taught, the teacher's preference, and the needs of the students. Not every bit of the details has to be in a lesson plan. It should be a fine-tuned outline that builds on each period and provides a seamless transition from one lesson to the next.

 List the tools you'll use to facilitate learning by attracting your students' attention. The teaching materials should be adapted to the learning environment as well as students' learning levels. From pictures, flashcards, drawings, wall sheets, charts, and diagrams to real objects, the teacher should only write down what the lesson will use.

An important part of curriculum implementation is to conduct planned teaching-learning activities. Effective lesson plan is one of the tools to manage this teaching-learning activity. Lesson plan is a deliberate, continuous process of smoothly executing classroom activities; classroom management can be easier through a quality lesson plan.

If the lesson plan is maintained, the teachers become proficient through reflection about their strengths and weaknesses in teaching, it can help to improve their success rate in the future.Lesson plan gives the teacher greater assurance and greater freedom in teaching.

Lesson plan provides for adequate lesson summaries, ensures a definite assignment for class, and availability of materials for lesson when needed. Lesson plan helps a teacher in sequencing of activities and tasks in teaching. Lesson plan helps to determine appropriate instruction aids, methods and references.

Lesson plan stimulates the teacher to introduce pivotal questions and illustrations. Lesson plan establishes proper connections between different lessons or units of study

Lesson plan provides and encourages continuity in the teaching and teaching process.

Lesson plan enables the teacher to know the most desirable type of teaching procedures and to prepare tests of progress and checks for judging the outcomes of instruction. Lesson plan prevents waste because it helps the teacher to be systematic and orderly. Lesson plan saves a teacher from haphazard teaching.

Lesson plan helps a teacher to determining evaluation or assessment process i.e. how the learner shall be deemed to have acquired the desired chance of behaviour or mastery of content and/or skills.




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