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AICPIN for the Month of July 2018 - Expected DA From January 2019 – 3% or 4%

AICPIN for the Month of July 2018 - Expected DA From January 2019 – 3% or 4%


DATED: 31st August 2018 

Press Release 

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – July 2018

The All-India CPI-IW for July, 2018 increased by 10 points and pegged at 301 (three hundred and one). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by(+) 3.44 percent between June,2018 and July 2018 when compared with the increase of (+) 1.79 percent the corresponding months of previous year.

The maximum upward pressure to the change in current index came from Housing group contributing (+) 8.23 percentage points to the total change. The Food index further accentuated the overall index by (+) 1.30 percentage points. At item level, Eggs (Hen), Goat Meat, chillies Green, Onion, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Gourd, Lady finger, Mango (Ripe), Tomato , sugar, Cooking Gas, Electricity charges, Medicine (allopathic), Primary School Books, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was checked by Rice, Cocount Oil, Fish fresh, Poultry (chicken), Banana, coconut, Lemon, Secondary School Books, etc., Putting downward pressure on the index. 

The year on year inflation based on CPI-IW stood at 5.61 percent for July,2018 as compared to 3.93 percent for the previous month and 1.79 percent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, the food inflation stood at (-) 0.32 percent against 0.97 percent of the previous month and (-) 0.32 percent during the corresponding month of the previous year.

At centre level Nagpur reported the maximum increase of 32 points followed by Nasik (28 Points) and Ghaziabad, Agra, Lucknow (26 Points each). Among others, 23 points increase was observed in 3 centres, 21 points in 2 centres, 20 points in 1 centre, 18 points in 1 centre, 17 points in 2 centres, 15 points in 4 centres, 14 points in 2 centres, 13 points in 2 centres, 12 points in 3 centres, 11 points in 2 centres, 10 points in 3 centres, 9 points in 4 centres, 8 points in 5 Centres, 7 points in 1 centres, 6 points in 6 centres, 5 points in 5 centres,4 points in 3 centres,3 point in 8 centres, 2 points in 7 centres and 1 points in 6 centres. On the contrary, coimbatore recorded a decreased of 2 points. Rest of the 2 centres indices remained stationary. 

The indices of 37 centres are above All-India Index and 41 centres indices are below national average. 

The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of August,2018 will be released on Friday, 28th september,2018. The same will also be available on the office website www.labourbureaunew.gov.in 


There has been very big increase of 10 points in July 2018 , this increase of CPI is highest in last four years.

DA as on 1st August is 10.36%. The present DA as on 1st July 2018 is at 9%.

we can expect 3% to 4% DA on January 2019.

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